
VISION Projects

That’s me Stephan and i welcome you to our new VISION project blog.

I am ready to make new explorations into sailing and diving adventures, into arts, science and medicine with our sailing yacht called “Vision”. Time for us to explore far more than the Baltic Sea in the future. Welcome and enjoy our experiences.

Some words to the actual yacht we operate for sailing and scuba diving expeditions. Our boat called ‘Vision’ is an old CNSO (Constructions Nautiques du Sud-Ouest) Karate sailing yacht with length over all of 33 feet (~10m) and made of fiberglass in France with a cruiser design. Engine is a 30 hp Farymann Diesel. The boat has a lot of self made upgrades for more safety on high seas like an additional rudder inside the saloon and a glass dome view for it and of course an Autopilot, AIS chartplotters and more…

To fund our expeditions and film making projects we offer

Personal & Group Coaching & Retreats

Consulting and Work Force

in our experiences and operations:

Sailing, Yachting, Scuba Diving

Science, Marine Biology and Medicine

Movie production and expeditions for film making and research

4K, 8K & Stereoscopic 3D Film production, Aerial & underwater drone operations

Film Cutting, Editing, Postproduction and Multimedia project development

Specialist in Grass Valley Edius & Stereoscopic 3D film- & post-production

Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in arts, imaging and science research

Health training and Oncology knowledge transfer

Sailing Skipper, Yacht Management and Handling

Financial market research and trading retreats

Crypto, Stock and Commodity consulting

International Business Cooperation

Trading & Financial Analysis Systems

E-Commerce & Online projects

A.I. Application & Development

Laser & Light Art projects

3D-Laser Digital Cinema

IT-Security Expert

Send us an email for requests..

We offer individual and small group retreats as daily or weekly sailing trips with

our yacht actually in the Baltic Sea of Germany on our topics. Request and offer via…

Take a look to my other blogs: Marine-Medicine.com and Video3D.eu

Skipper, scientist & filmmaker Stephan Stahl

I love to experiment with Lasers… Go to our other page for more impressions by scrolling down this blog… I also welcome you to take a look to my facebook page where i post nearly every day news on science and medicine as well many other topics which i have found interesting and recommend to view…


Stephan Stahl

My passion is adventure sailing to many wonderful places on Earth for doing Scuba Diving…

Stephan Stahl

Diving and sailing is my passion. Specially diving in coral reefs and cold water reefs fascinates me.

Take a look to my latest diving at Soma Bay and Safaga area, Red Sea, Egypt. There the coral reefs are total healthy and a wonder of nature. Click on the images below to open the video and gallery with many more images…

The new movie DIVING SOMA BAY is online now in 4K/UHD. We forward you to YouTube:

Some actual background information on the world coral reef status:

‘Most of it was dead’: scientists discover one of Great Barrier Reef’s worst coral bleaching events


Marine heatwaves escalate coral bleaching threats


Coral bleaching: Fourth global mass stress episode underway


4th global coral reef bleaching event underway as oceans continue to warm: NOAA


The state of the largest coral reefs in the world


Amid Climate Change Challenges, Egypt’s Corals Demonstrate Surprising Resilience

Amid Climate Change Challenges, Egypt’s Corals Demonstrate Surprising Resilience, Biologist Says

First cases of coral bleaching reported in Gulf of Eilat

Worrying finding appears to upend long-held assumption that corals in the area are unusually resistant to rising seawater temperatures


Great Barrier Reef from space


‘Graveyard of corals’ found after extreme heat and cyclones hit northern Great Barrier Reef

Marine scientists say one area around Cooktown and Lizard Island had lost more than a third of its live hard coral after bleaching event


Transplanting healthy reef ecosystems to damaged reefs can improve coral health


Transplanting healthy reef ecosystems to damaged reefs can improve coral health

Ecosystem transplant from a healthy reef boosts coral health at a degraded reef


Researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have found that a diet of multivitamins and minerals is boosting the health of lab-tested coral, boosting their resilience to heat and climate stressors.


Red Sea coral study points to rich microbial life as key to healthy reefs


World’s largest coral discovered off the Solomon Islands


Great Barrier Reef’s temperature soars to 400-year high

Chemical analysis of coral skeletons reveals unprecedented warming trend that could spell disaster for the iconic reef.


Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger


Coral reef fish running out of time to recover at Great Barrier Reef islands, research warns


Hitting the limits of Israel’s coral reef resilience?


These photos show what happens to coral reefs in a warming world

Exclusive before and after photos reveal how recent bleaching near Australia’s Lord Howe Island has dramatically changed the region’s coral reefs.


Good luck earth…

I recorded this summer some spectacular lasershows and one extraordinary firework at the Baltic Sea:

DIVERS3D – Überleben um zu Tauchen in 3D HDR

Wir präsentieren und veröffentlichen unseren neuen stereoskopischen 3D Film DIVERS3D in HDR.

Ein freier Dokumentarfilm über Miriam, die eine schwere Krebserkrankung überlebte und dann sogar Taucherin wurde. Der Film zeigt, wie die Frau des Filmemachers Taucherin wurde, nach dem Miriam Krebs überlebte und durch die Filmproduktion, sowie ein hartes Training wieder Freude und Spass am Leben entfaltet und Taucherin wird.

DIVERS3D wurde in stereoskopischem 3D dual HD Vollformat gedreht – im und über dem Wasser, dann speziell für große 3D UHD/4K TVs in HDR bearbeitet und erstellt. Der Film wird sowohl als 2D und auch in einer speziellen 3D Version auf Youtube frei veröffentlicht auf einer nicht kommerziellen Nutzer Basis.

Der Film wurde von Stephan Stahl und Fabian Rabe vor langer Zeit produziert und kommt nun endlich in die Veröffentlichung. Klicken Sie auf das Bild um die 2D-Version des Film auf Youtube anzuschauen…

Dieser Film ist die Linke Version des 3D-Films. Für die SBS und Rechte Film-Version, siehe weiter unten…

A TRUE STORY, Directed, Cutting & 3D Postproduction by Stephan Stahl
Cameras and audio-mix by Stephan Stahl & Dr. Alec Zirbel
Music by various artists

Shot in dual stream FULL HD1080-24p stereoscopic 3D for release on Youtube and Blu-ray 3D in HDR.
Spieldauer / Film duration: 65 minutes

Die 3D-Version ist eine gestauchte Links/Rechts duale HD1080-24p Version. Sowohl im streaming von Youtube oder als runtergeladene H.264/MP4 Datei kann diese auf 3D-TVs abgespielt werden. Hier der Link zur 3D-sbs-Version des Films auf Youtube, oder Kicken Sie auf die Bilder im SBS-Format:

Wenn der Film startet einfach im TV Menü auf 3D Modus gehen und dort das Format SIDE BY SIDE, also Links/Rechts Format auswählen, dann sollte der Fernseher den Film in 3D abspielen. Halten Sie hierfür Ihre 3D-Brille für den Fernseher bereit.

Leider verfügen die meisten 4K/UHD Smart-TVs inzwischen nicht mehr über 3D-Abspielfunktionalität.

Klicken Sie nachfolgend auf die 3D-Stereo Bilder um den Film auf Youtube im 3D Format anzusehen.

Noch einige Worte über den Trick mit dem gestauchten Seite an Seite 3D HD Video Format, auch side by side 3DHD Format genannt.

Üblichweise werden Videobilder mit Pixeln im quadratischen Seitenverhältnis genutzt. Quetscht man nun das jeweils linke und rechte Bild getrennt voneinander in ein rechteckiges statt quadratisches Pixelseitenverhältnis und baut die Bilder für linke und rechte Seite des Films nebeneinander zusammen, erhält man in einem HD Bild die Informationen für beide Seiten in HD. Die modernen Smart-TVs machen dann wieder automatisch qudratische Pixel daraus, da ja die Farbinformationen gleich sind. Allerdings kommt es bei diesem Trick zu qualitativen Nachteilen in der Videokompression gegenüber dem vollen 3D Blu-ray Format. Daher bieten wir hier demnächst auch ein Blu-ray 3D Image des Filmes zum Download, als auch nun die rechte Seite des Filmes auf Youtube im Vollformat.

Wer eine Möglichkeit hat, zwei volle HD1080-24p Videos auf ein 3D-System auszuspielen, findet die Rechte Seite des 3D-Films hierfür dort:

Mit speziellen Video Download-Programmen kann man leicht beide Videos für Linkes und Rechtes Auge von Youtube runterladen und dann mit spezieller 3D-Video-Player Software, wie zB. dem Stereoscopic Player auf 3D-Syteme wie mit zwei Beamern ausspielen.

Mehr Infos demnächst hier. Schauen Sie gern auf unsere Projektseiten unter:




Wir rufen zu Spenden auf, denn wir sind auf Spenden und Investments angewiesen, um unsere nächsten Filmproduktionen zu finanzieren. Kontaktieren Sie uns via email und Spenden Sie bitte!

DIVERS3D – Survival to become a scuba diver in 3D HDR

We work on an ENGLISH language version for release soon. First we publish only the German version.

We proudly announce our new stereoscopic 3D movie coming soon for free on Blu-ray 3D and YT formats. The movie tells the story how we help my former wife recovering from her cancer disease and develop to a be a scuba diver.

Movie is 65min playtime and was shot in real stereoscopic 3D dual full HD1080-24p stream and in HDR for release on Blu-ray 3D for free download and in 1080-24p full HD format in HDR free on YouTube. First release will be in German and English language will come maybe later too.

Produced & cameras by Stephan Stahl, Fabian Rabe and Dr. Alec Zirbel

Directed, cutting, 3D postproduction and audiomix by Stephan Stahl

Nachfolgend einige Bilder aus dem Film…

Here some preview screen shots from the movie, click to enlarge…

Miriam at her first deep dive into the Atlantic ocean.

My former wife Miriam with biologist Dr. Alec Zirbel at Meereszentrum Fehmarn

Miriam to do her dive certification

Miriam in Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura, Spain

Miriam explores Fuerteventura

Watch also our free movie Marine-Medicine.com

ACTION – Lasershows & AI arts

After a long time and break making movies i come back with visual spectacles and light artwork. I am a total fan of light arts and do a lot playing with lasers and do scientific research of laser applications in medicine. Experimenting with lasers as an artist and scientist is one of my passions.

I work with lasers on board of our 33 feet ~10m expedition sailing yacht now in Germany in the Baltic Sea. Last time i had the chance to record huge visual spectacles in my home area and published several light art movies like amazing laser beam shows over lakes and the final firework of the Kiel sailing week.

Specially i love the drone swarm operation at Kiel firework to paint a label ‘KIWO’ – means KIelerWOche in the sky. What i play with is to mount lasers on my drones. Anyway have fun to watch the free movies and enjoy the beautiful laser shows as follows… On this page down i present as well many A.I. arts and AI manipulated pictures…

I also welcome you on my facebook where i post nearly daily news articles and science on A.I. and medicine which i have found and recommend to view too…


Go to the Lasershow video on youtube by clicking on the next pics below!

Lasershow Scharbeutz, Germany, 2022 and more below…

Some scenes from the Kiel firework are included in the lasershow video…

I recorded some more huge Lasershows at Travemünde Lichterfest Saturday, 24.SEP.2022 in Germany.

Click on the images below and you will be directed to the full video on Youtube!

For another camera view of the same Lasershow in Travemünde please click on the pictures below to be directed to Youtube!

Here we have a Lasershow gallery with 180 pictures you can see in HD. Click on the image below…

NEW NEW NEW – Lasershows in UHD & 3D / HDR

I filmed three Lasershow events of 2023 also in real Stereoscopic 3D and here is the free movie release in 3D SBS (squeezed side by side) format. Lasershows in 3D from Germany in Scharbeutz, Travemünde and Padenstedt. You can watch it in 3D with a 3D TV or a 3D VR headset. Switch the tv into 3D SBS mode when streaming from YouTube or download the video from yt and play it as a mp4 file from USB.

Click on the 3D SBS movie images below and we forward you to YouTube…

I have recorded in year of 2023 some Lasershows in UHD and postproduced them in HDR. Have fun!

Lasershows recorded at Scharbeutz, Travemünde, Padenstedt and Fehmarn in Germany.

Click in the image below and watch the full feature length Lasershow movie for free on YouTube.

I filmed a wonderful lasershow at Grömitz, Germany on 24. July 2024.

I experimenting intensively with A.I. and image creation and manipulation with A.I. and in HDR.

See examples of my AI picture art experiments with topics of beaching, northern lights, lasers, astronomy, extreme nature and most important beautiful women as follows:

Time for explaining how i made these beautiful pictures by help of A.I. image creation and manipulation… You can try yourself some prompting and experimenting with free non censored sample imaging there: CANV.AI

More of sexy AI and AI manipulated ladies you find in my gallery, click on the image below…

Some more nature images post-produced by help of AI and Photoshop tricks…

Kri Island, Raja Ampat, Sorido Resort, Papua Diving, West Papua, Indonesia

Important documentary movies about Northern Lights and about A.I. in German at Arte tv.





Please help us to continue our work and Donate to our Paypal account:


Take a look at our next research and film projects on our other pages. Join us and become an investor or sponsor.

Soon we present our next projects and take a look to my other movie page for what we plan next:



Marine-Medicine.com movie

Our freely published film show what we really did with the boat. A several year survival trip to heal our souls and help patients suffering from cancer. Searching for marine plant and animal species with potential to treat cancer in the Med. Sea.

Go to the movie page and watch our cinema styled movie for free, click on:


Take also a look at our next research and film projects on my other private filmmaker homepage. Join us and become an investor or sponsor. Welcome.

Click below and we forward you directly to the movie on Youtube:

Marine-Medicine movie in English on Youtube direct on Youtube:

Marine Medicine Healing Adventure Directors Cut ENGLISH

Marine-Medicine movie in DEUTSCH direkt auf Youtube:

Marine Medicine Healing Adventure Directors Cut DEUTSCH

Please help us to continue.

Donate to our Paypal account:


Take a look at our next research and film projects on our other pages. Join us and become an investor or sponsor.

Soon we present our next projects and take a look to my other movie page for what we plan next:


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