Extraordinary diving in the Aegean Sea


After long time diving in the Aegean Sea we did diving the wrecks of Nordland, Marianna and Express Samina plus some others and caves, walls and a aircraft wrecks.

Wreck of the cargo ship “Nordland” near island of Kithera.

A shallow wreck at Gramvosa, Crete


Nordland wreck near island of Kithera

There you can find huge groupers and sometimes lots of barracudas.


Wreck of old cargo ship Marianna somewhere between islands of Naxos and Paros.

Wreck of old cargo ship Marianna somewhere between islands of Naxos and Paros.

Diver at the right on picture above and below is marine biologist Stephan Stahl, photo made by his friend Ozan

Above and below you see the wreck of Express Samina near island of Paros. It is a dangerous and deep laying wreck !

Now some underwater pictures from our movie work in the last Red Sea:

Take a look to our other travel adventure pictures on:

www.video3d.eu and www.wow3d.eu

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